Sunday, September 30, 2007

Welcome to the Big Picture

In June, WRC introduced our community to Snapshots, an original theatre production that told the true stories of domestic violence survivors who came into contact with our Center. Each story showcased the strength of a woman who endured violence, or a child who witnessed violence, and inevitably led the audience to question why abuse was still so prevalent in 2007.

In answering this question, we must move from looking at snapshots of individual lives, to examining the bigger picture of systems, values, and social trends that perpetuate violence against women. Though every woman's story is important, and though each batterer should be held accountable for his actions, there is a larger piece to the puzzle that we hope to put together here.

This is a new endeavor with lots of possibilities, but we are counting on you for its success. We are challenging you, our readers, to keep your minds open and to be willing to consider new ideas, but also to question us if you don't understand or disagree. We want to create genuine community dialogue, and we encourage you to post comments, or to suggest story ideas by emailing Please tell your friends and colleagues about our site and check back weekly for updates.

From everyone at Women’s Resource Center to End Domestic Violence, welcome to The Big Picture!


Anonymous said...

Some women are being battered and injured by police for reporting domestic violence against ex-husbands.

Why are organizations like yours not doing anything about this?

I have been assaulted and battered seven times on seven separate occasions.

Do you wait until death occurs before taking action to save women?

I am confused.

Women's Resource Center said...

This is the first report we've heard of the police using violence against women who try to file a report. Please call our hotline at (404) 688-9436 and we'll do everything that we can to help you stay safe.

Anonymous said...

It is exciting to hear about the new Economic Empowerment Program grant that WRC has received. This grant will certainly enable the Center to work with women and provide them with tools to get them on the road to economic freedom.

Congratulations to a great organization.

Anonymous said...

I have been emotionally battered now for three years by someone I thought cared about not only me but other women. I just obtained enough strength to emotionally distant myself from her. I found out that she was married, and she lied about the relationship for two years before I found out about how she deceived and manipulated me. After the second year it took me an additional years to pull away for good. But during that year, I went through such disrespect by her and also allowing myself to be conded. I am in the process of healing now, I am finding the strength to take action. But I need a lot of support and someone to help me through these trying times. I am so ashame and afraid that she will violate my person, that I will not at this time reveal my idenity to the open community.

Women's Resource Center said...

If you feel comfortable doing so, you can email us at or call our 24-hour hotline at 404-688-9436. All hotline calls are confidential and you can choose to remain anonymous.